personal injury lawyer

What You Should Know About Florida Overtime Laws

Many people have questions regarding their employer’s actions and requests when it comes to overtime. All states either have their own overtime laws, or they follow those of the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Here are some answers to common questions regarding Florida’s overtime laws

  1. Are There Mandatory Overtime Laws? 

Some states in the U.S. have restrictions on employers requiring overtime from their employees. Florida is not one of these states. There are wage and hour laws set up, but Florida simply looks to the FLSA for overtime rules and requirements. 

  1. Can an Employer Require Overtime Without Notice? 

In circumstances where all else is normal, the answer is yes. Employers can require you to work overtime without giving you notice. A common time for this to happen is when a coworker calls in sick, so the manager calls someone else to come in who has already worked 40 hours that week. 

  1. How Many Hours of Mandatory Overtime Can an Employer Require? 

Under FLSA, an employer can require as many hours of mandatory overtime from you as they want. However, it is not common for employers to require more than 50-60 hours total throughout the week.  

  1. Can an Employer Fire You for Refusing to Work Overtime? 

If you are a part of a union or employment contract that provides protection, you should not get fired for refusing to work overtime. If you did get terminated, you should immediately get in touch with a wrongful termination lawyer. If you do not have protection, your employer can legally fire you for refusing to work overtime. However, this is not common. Most employers will be conscientious of their employee’s time.  

Hopefully these answers have helped shed some light on the situation you are currently dealing with. Remember, if you believe your rights are being violated by an employer, do not hesitate to contact an attorney today.  

The Law Office of JJ Talbott is located in Pensacola, FL. They specialize in the areas of Personal Injury, Worker’s Compensation Claims, Social Security Disability, and Unpaid Wages. 

Law Office of J.J. Talbott 
900 East Moreno St. 
Pensacola, FL 32503 
(850) 437-9600

personal injury lawyer

From Family Lawyers to Employment Lawyers, these 4 Qualities are What Brings Success

There is no person on this earth who is made to take on every type of occupation. Each person is made differently with a different set of talents and skill potential. When it comes to practicing law, this concept holds true. From family lawyers to employment lawyers, a person who finds success in practicing law possesses these 4 qualities:  

1) Excellent Communicator 

This list of successful lawyer traits is not written in any particular order, but this first trait is an exception. First and foremost, a person must be able to communicate effectively to be successful as a lawyer. The goal in representing a client is to ultimately put them in the best scenario possible, which can only be done when the lawyer correctly and effectively communicates to the judge/jury why their proposition is most fair and logical. This communication is done through both written and spoken words.  

2) Good Judgment 

Never underestimate the ability to make the right judgment call in a timely manner. Lawyers often find themselves with a less than favorable amount of information to base their decisions from. Furthermore, they do not have an endless time frame to make their decisions. Therefore, the ability to use good judgment quickly is a necessary asset for a successful lawyer.  

3) The Ability to Think Creatively 

When a person thinks about the job of a lawyer, they may think of persuasion skills, the ability to recall information quickly, or the academic difficulty of law school, but seldom would they consider creative thinking. However, this is necessary for the life of a lawyer. Oftentimes, the optimal solution is not obvious and requires much thinking outside the box.  

4) People Skills 

Most people realize that law school is academically strenuous. However, academia is not the sole factor in the practice of law. To be a successful lawyer, one must have excellent people skills. The ability to connect with and remain personable with all different types of people is necessary to a lawyer, as well as the ability to quickly change communication tactics upon reading a person. A lawyer must be socially perceptive to communicate in the most optimal fashion.  

Any type of law that a person aspires to practice, whether it be personal injury law or bankruptcy law, these 4 skills will be vital to their success. In addition, for those who are simply looking to hire a lawyer, it is important to find out whether these qualities are present before making the decision. 

The Law Office of JJ Talbott is located in Pensacola, FL. They specialize in the areas of Personal Injury, Worker’s Compensation Claims, Social Security Disability, and Unpaid Wages. 

Law Office of J.J. Talbott 
900 East Moreno St. 
Pensacola, FL 32503 
(850) 437-9600

personal injury lawyer

Leading Personal Injury Attorney in Pensacola, FL Provides Answers to Three Frequently Asked Questions

Legal issues are tough. When you find yourself amid one, the last thing you want to do is get into an even deeper predicament. However, because the legal system is so complex, navigating the situation yourself can quickly lead to a disaster. 

Therefore, we have lawyers. When you hire a lawyer for legal help, not only do they work on making the best case for you, but they can also guide you when it comes to making decisions and signing documents. A personal injury attorney in Pensacola, FL has put together a list of answers to three frequently asked questions regarding lawyer services.

Does the Person Representing Me Have to Be a Lawyer? 

In short, yes, the person representing you does need to be a lawyer. Only those who have passed the bar exam can practice law. However, there may be a few situations in which you have a few alternative options. For example, if your case involves a dispute with a government agency, then you may be able to have a paralegal represent you. Also, there are times where you could turn to a notary public or a law student working under a lawyer. However, the general rule of thumb is that it does need to be an official lawyer who represents you. 

When is it Necessary to Hire a Lawyer?

Why do law students spend years studying to become lawyers? Because the legal system is very complex. When your rights have been violated or your freedom has been compromised, you must not deal with the issue yourself. You could very well end up in a worse situation than you were before. It is worth having an experienced lawyer by your side to help you navigate the situation.  Especially when it comes to issues dealing with family, the last thing you want is for your loved ones to suffer from a legal mistake. Contact your local family law attorney in Pensacola, FL so that no stone is left unturned.  

What Does a Day in the Life of a Lawyer Look Like? 

Contrary to how they are often depicted, lawyers spend a large amount of time in their offices. They spend hours researching and preparing for their client’s cases, as well as spend time writing up legal documents and performing prospective client consultations. Believe it or not, lawyers do not spend much time at all arguing in courtrooms!

The Law Office of JJ Talbott is located in Pensacola, FL. They specialize in the areas of Personal Injury, Worker’s Compensation Claims, Social Security Disability, and Unpaid Wages. 

Law Office of J.J. Talbott 
900 East Moreno St. 
Pensacola, FL 32503 
(850) 437-9600